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What Makes The MyoKinesthetic System Work?
Dr. Uriarte developed a global assessment that detects compensations within the nervous system. These compensations appear as postural abnormalities and result in physical impairment. The goal is to evaluate and treat posture imbalances to restore allostasis.

Cause and Compensation
If we had a fall or lifted something heavy incorrectly, something strange happened to our body. A muscle on the left went short, so a muscle on the right side of our body lengthened to compensate. These two muscles tell the brain where they are relative to the one constant we all share: Gravity.

The brain now tells other muscles where to go in relation to these muscles so we can stand as straight as possible ... with the most range of motion in each joint possible … with the least amount of pain.

Muscle Memory
With the MyoKinesthetic System, we are trying to find the cause and clear it so all the compensations will clear away, too. This is not Chiropractic. At no time do we manipulate or "pop" bones. Instead, we go to work on the muscles.

We stimulate each muscle along one nerve pathway. Deep, light, with cross-friction, or something else, whatever way you want to generate the stimulation is fine. We can treat the origin, insertion, belly, or all three, all will work because we're looking for the nerve endings within the muscles to send a signal to the brain that say's "there's a change happening here."

The brain receives this information and makes changes to it. This means that by working on the “cause” pathway, the brain automatically fixes the “compensation” pathway. What this really means is less physical work on the practitioner, with better results. We’ve used “muscle memory” to our advantage: more balanced, greater range of motion and a decrease in pain that lasts.

Unique and Revolutionary
There is simply nothing else like it. The MyoKinesthetic System is not a repackaged technique. It is the result of more than 20 years of hands-on research and development.

The difference is in the treatment: Which muscles do we treat together to clear the entire peripheral nervous system pathway. By focusing on the nervous system while working on the muscular system, the MYK System:

  • Alleviates pain
  • Restores movement and function
  • Improves posture

But the real beauty of the MYK System is that it’s simple to learn … and it works quickly. You should see results almost immediately from just one 15-minute session.

Getting Started Videos

To learn more about the Myokinesthetic System, visit


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